This will be your third time playing LOCKN’ or FLOCKN’ as you’ve so lovingly dubbed us. You immediately fit in as a member of our family! What is it about LOCKN’ that’s different from other festivals you’ve played? What made you feel instantly at home here?
LOCKN’ has felt like a home for us since our first time playing there. The festival has always treated us great, and the sense of community among such a large group of people is amazing. We’ve had some of our best memories there and met some of our musical heroes. We couldn’t be more excited to be part of this family, and can’t wait to be FLOCKN’ back to LOCKN’!
It’s been really amazing to watch your evolution as a band. You’ve created a dedicated fanbase and brought so many people together through your music. What does it mean to be a fan of Pigeons Playing Ping Pong? What is it about your fans that makes them so incredibly loyal?
As a band, we always try to provide a positive, high-energy, fun-loving experience through our music, and our fans (known as “The Flock”) are truly a reflection of that. Their dedication and support–both live and behind-the-scenes–is what keeps us going and we are extremely appreciative of that. It’s always amazing to perform and see some of the same fans come out for many stops along the tour, as well as new members of The Flock that may have never seen us perform before. Hopefully, The Flock will continue to grow!
You guys might just be the ultimate party band. Your live shows have a sense of humor and an endless supply of enthusiasm and smiles. What emotions do you want the fans to feel when watching you play? What do you hope people continue to take away from your live shows?
We always try to create a very fun and high-energy environment for our fans. A big part of our live performance is our interactions between band members, but also with the audience. We really like to ride the energy of the crowd and provide a full experience that they won’t forget. A major part of that, outside of the music, is with our light shows. Our lighting designer, Manny Newman, is essentially like a fifth member of the band, and always provides mind-blowing light shows night after night.
A great music festival experience usually consists of meeting people you never normally would. Have you met anyone exciting during your years at LOCKN’?
We have met a whole bunch of exciting people at LOCKN’! Like most bands, we are also huge fans of music and attending concerts/festivals, so whenever we play at LOCKN’ we always make sure to walk around the whole site and just take it all in, which typically involves meeting some fun new people. It’s a blast being able to talk and hang out with fans on a more personal level and enjoy watching some amazing music together.
LOCKN’ fans are some of the most passionate music fans around the country and their enthusiasm for PPPP continues to grow. What’s it like to play in front of that kind of lively crowd?
It’s pretty indescribable. When you’re fortunate enough to perform in front of such a large amazing crowd, time is almost a blur. Being able to play the music we love and look out and see a whole sea of people smiling and dancing provides an unforgettable rush. We can’t wait to be back!