Sep 27, 2019 | Missed Connections
Sep 27, 2019 | Missed Connections
My wife and I were chillin in a hammock in the forest during Galactic and you pulled out a triple-decker PB&J and said they were the best damn PB&Js in the world and gave us your last one but you left before we dove in. Well it was indeed the best damn...
Sep 27, 2019 | Missed Connections
When the first of two evacuations occurred, everyone was scurrying to safe places. Within minutes, those 65 mps winds kicked up throughout Lockn. I found myself trying to hold up one side of my 10×10 set up in front of my tent, both tent and myself being pounded...
Sep 27, 2019 | Missed Connections
Let’s party!
Sep 27, 2019 | Missed Connections
The most mesmerizing girl I ever seen. I didn’t want to leave her side all weekend or ever. Hope you see this. Joe
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